What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread? A quilt that is too short will not cover your entire mattress, while one that’s too long may bunch up at the foot of your bed. 

Bedspreads are heavy because they’re typically made with multiple layers to create a warm and cozy sleeping environment for you or your loved ones – so be sure to check how much weight you can handle before purchasing one.


Do you know the standard size of a queen bedspread?

  • The standard size of a queen bedspread is 92 by 106 inches.
  • A queen comforter, on the other hand, is slightly smaller at 88 by 96 inches.

The word comforter comes from the French word “comforter”, meaning “to comfort”. The queen-size comforter is used atop a fitted sheet, while a bedspread goes on top of other sheets. A duvet cover should be used in place of a comforter when year-round use is desired.

A standard full-size spread measures 79 by 99 inches, and a king-size quilt or blanket will measure 108 by 120 inches. It’s also important to note that the quilt dimensions only refer to the area without its binding.

This is because under-sized comforters look sloppy with their borders peeking out from underneath a bedspread or duvet cover, while oversized comforters are hard to tuck in and cover all four sides of a mattress.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

What is the standard queen size for an oriental rug?

A proper oriental rug should be measured by length x width giving you your square footage rather than by size/dimensions of the rug. The most popular rugs are 3’3″ x 5’3″, 4’6″x 6’6″, 5’3″ x 7’8″ 7’10” x 10’6″.

What should be included in a bedspread?

A bedspread should include the following items. A fitted sheet that fits securely around your mattress, a flat sheet that matches the color scheme of your bedspread, and pillowcases to match your sheets. The last item often found with these sets is a dust ruffle.

Dust ruffles are decorative skirts that extend below the level of the box spring or foundation to hide any items stored there.

What fabric is best for a queen-size comforter?

The most popular fabrics used in making queen-size comforters are cotton and polyester blends because they can be easily cleaned and dried without shrinkage.

They also provide warmth even when wet, which makes them great for spills and light perspiration.

What size should be used for a queen comforter?

A queen comforter should be 88 by 96 inches. Any smaller than this can make your bed look crowded, while any bigger will make it look empty.

Is the queen-size bedspread the same as a king-size blanket?

No, a queen-size bedspread is much wider than a king-size quilt or coverlet. A standard full-sized spread measures 79 by 99 inches, and a king-size quilt or blanket will measure 108 by 120 inches. It’s also important to note that the quilt dimensions only refer to the area without its binding.

This is because under-sized comforters look sloppy with their borders peeking out from underneath a bedspread or duvet cover, while oversized comforters are hard to tuck in and cover all four sides of a mattress.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

How do you measure a queen size bedspread?

To properly measure your queen size bedspread you will need:

1) Wrap your tape measure around the middle of your box spring, then lift up causing the top edge of your comforter to also be lifted off of the bed once you have removed it.

2) Weigh down one end of a small pillowcase with something heavy enough so that it doesn’t bunch up when you place weight on it, but not so heavy that it is hard to hold or manipulate.

3) Lower this end slowly until it touches the bedspread at the same level where you wrapped your tape measure around in step 1.

4) Write down how much is inside this pillowcase, accounting for its contents if they are not all fabric.

5) Perform Step 3 again using another pillowcase to double-check your measurements.

6) Add the results from both pillowcases together to find out the total width of your bedspread when it’s completed and lay flat on a surface.

What are the dimensions of queen comforter sets?

A proper queen comforter should measure 66 by 86 inches but maybe slightly smaller to allow for sufficient tucking on all four sides. However, its width can vary as long as it’s between 65 and 70 inches wide. The term ‘queen-size’ is simply a manufacturer’s labeling that means that the item fits a standard full or double bed with its accompanying sheets and/or bedspread.

While there is no exact standard for the dimensions of a queen-size bed, they are usually bigger than king-size beds with measurements between 80 inches by 90 inches and 110.5inches by 120.5inches There is no exact standard for the dimensions of a queen-size bed, however, they are usually bigger than king-size beds with measurements between 80 inches by 90 inches and 110.5inches by 120.5inches.

What is the best size comforter for a queen bed?

A queen-size bed will need a comforter that measures between 86 to 88 inches wide by 96 to 100 inches long. The width of your mattress plus the thickness will tell you the exact comforter width you should purchase. Because mattress depth can vary, measuring your bed first will help you find the perfect size comforter.

There’s no one correct answer to the question “What size comforter do I need for a queen bed?” Generally, you will find that most queen-size comforters are marketed as falling within either a full/queen or king size range.

Because of this, sometimes people assume they should get a queen-size comforter when in fact their mattress is actually on the smaller side and may require a full/queen size instead. Other factors such as intended use and coziness level can also come into play when deciding what size comforter to get.

A standard queen mattress measures 60 inches (length) by 80 inches (width). The standard shams associated with these beds measure 20 inches wide by 26 inches long.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

The most common sizes for queen comforters are as follows:

  • 60 x 80 full/queen 76″x 86″
  • 60 x 84 – This is a new standard that provides some additional room without being too large for the mattress, allowing you to tuck it in further around the sides and at the foot of your bed. Twin extra-long 96” x 94”
  • 60 x 90 – If you are looking for some additional length but don’t want to go with an oversized king size comforter, this would be a good fit. It will drape over the sides of the bed nicely while still giving you plenty of coverage underneath. King 104″ x 94″
  • 76 x 80 full/queen 90” x 90”
  • 80 x 86 – This comforter size is very close to the mattress. It will drape over the sides and allow you to cover all of your bedding underneath, including dust ruffles on your box spring . King 104″ x 100″
  • 86 x 88 – This is a nice compromise between a full and king size comforter. With this one, you’ll be able to pull it out from underneath your sheets up at the head of your bed but still have some ample coverage elsewhere. California King 110”x 98”

If you want something that’s not listed above (ie: 80×90) check out our guide to comforter sizes and conversions.

If you want gentle warmth, the best size comforter for a queen bed is one that falls into either the full/queen or twin extra-long size category. If you plan on getting an electric blanket to go underneath, we recommend opting for one of these two options so you can get the heat turned up all the way without it being too large and hanging off your bed.

King Size Comforters offer more coverage than a typical full/queen but won’t overwhelm your sleeping area like a king blanket might. It’s also likely that if you opt for this size it will cover all corners of your box spring which makes it easier when changing out your sheets in the morning.

If you’re looking for a really cozy comforter, the best size comforter for a queen bed is going to be one of the larger ones listed above such as a king or California king. Coverage is key here because it will allow you to pull up higher and cover your pillow-top mattress if needed.

Full/Queen Comforters are a popular choice for those who want something friendly on their wallet but not wholly lacking in size. This size allows plenty of coverage while still being able to tuck it under your mattress at the foot of your bed nicely.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

How to choose a color for queen bed bedspreads?

Color is important. You want to combine two colors on the color wheel, like blue and orange, with a different color in between them, like light gray. If you want a less tense effect, find two colors next to each other on the color wheel, like red and red-violet with white in between them.

There are many different colors in queen bed bedspreads.

Let’s go to see the most popular color in the queen patchwork quilt. We will find that there are three common colors in them, black, white, and pink. So let us take a look at these three colors.

If you like a calm, cool yellow tone, you can choose dark purple or light green for your queen-size quilt cover.

Besides these two tones, you also need to consider the matching position of your wall paint or window shade when choosing your color for king-size comforter sets.

In addition, yellow is best matched with blue and peach-color which makes it more lucid.

So keep in mind to make the right choice when buying a new bedding set.

What is the difference between a bedspread and a quilt?

Bed covers are very easy to use. You can easily fit a queen-size quilt cover over your duvet. Plus, you can wash them in your washing machine together with your duvet. So it will never be hard for you to maintain it clean and fresh.

In addition, having so many choices of colors in queen-size comforter sets, you should always find one that matches well with your room decoration. For example, if you have gray walls and golden furniture in your bedroom, there is no doubt that the white color could bring out a beautiful effect in this room.

It is also not an issue to decide on what kinds of material for queen bedspreads. Queen size quilt covers are usually made of cotton, linen, or silk.

If you are looking for something very warm, velvet king comforters might be a perfect choice.

Queen bedspreads are really popular in the market these days due to their flexibility and ease of use. There are various options of colors available for the queen duvet cover set.

You can always find one that could go well with your room decoration style. It also doesn’t create much hassle to maintain it clean.

If you are still confused about queen comforters, let us help you find the right one that matches what you are looking for. For example, if your room decoration is mostly themed in bluish style, king-size comforter sets with light blue colors could be a wonderful choice.

Besides making your bedroom look more attractive and elegant, they are also very cozy which makes sure you have a good night’s sleep every day. And don’t forget to check out other options available in other colors as well!

Added warmth for cold nights – Can be used year-round – More decorative than practical – Can be difficult to wash

Added warmth only in the coldest months of winter – Year-round use – Less decorative than a bedspread or comforter. More durable and easier to clean than a bedspread

Quilts are better for everyday, year-round use. They’re also more durable and easier to clean. However, they aren’t as warm as a bedspread. Bedspreads are often used when there’s a need for extra warmth on top of sheets or blankets.

They can add that extra layer needed during cold nights, but they should only be used when the temperature is extremely low.

Choosing the right one will make your bedroom both attractive and comfortable! So keep in mind while choosing one for your own room.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

Should bedding match wall color?

It is not necessary for room accessories, including bedding, to match the wall color. Read on to find out more about this fun and interesting topic.

Bedding can complement wall color very well if you choose complementary colors. For example, if you have an orange wall color then blue or green bedding sets will look great in your bedroom.

If you are using red walls then white sheets may seem like a better choice even though it isn’t a perfect match with the wall color.

When matching bedding with the wall color remember that there are many shades of colors; lighter hues of yellow or orange work best with light-colored linens while darker hued colors of reds and oranges look good with dark-colored sheets.

Some people choose to paint their walls a color that they wouldn’t mind changing in the future and then use colorful bedding to add a little bit of fun to their bedroom.

There are no rules when it comes to matching your bedding with your wall color, therefore you should choose colors that work well together and will help create an inviting atmosphere for you and your guests.

When choosing to bed it is best to keep in mind the color of the sheets, comforters, and blankets. Many people will choose to use white-colored linens for their sheets so that they can easily coordinate with any other colors in the room.

If you already have a wall color then buy coordinating colored linens that are similar to but not exactly matching the wall color. You can also choose bright or pastel-hued decorative pillows that match your existing sheet colors.

For example, if you have yellow walls then go ahead and buy orange sheets even though both are bright-hued! Just make sure to choose different shades of hues for each accessory whether it be pillows, sheets, or throws. You may want to use a deep orange sheet and a lighter orange throw pillow to tie it all together.

Just make sure that you choose accessories that aren’t too bold or aggressive looking as over-the-top colors will cause the eye to bounce around the room a lot, which can be a little bit distracting and chaotic if you already have floor-length windows in your bedroom.

Once again, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to decorating with matching colors so take this advice as one of many options for making your bedroom look great!

Your bedding doesn’t need to match your wall color but it’s simply another way for creating a cohesive design theme within your room.

It may seem like an easy task at first but matching colors can actually be quite challenging and a bit frustrating at times.

Just remember to take your time and enjoy the experience and you will soon see your bedroom come together with a great new design.

Style of queen bedspread?

Queen comforter or quilt, size of bedspread according to your bed size?

Is it Egyptian cotton, sateen, microfiber, 100% cotton…bedspread you are planning to buy?

Nowadays there are no standard size bedspreads available in the market. You will find 135x200cm (standard double bed), 150x200cm (king single), 155x220cm (queen) and 180x200cm (king).  Bedspreads can be with or without borders.

Quilts tend to be smaller than bedspreads – about 10-13 inches less than the width of the mattress on each side – because they don’t have full-length box pleats.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread? (cre: hunker)

Types of Bedspreads:

Bedspreads and quilts come in a number of different styles. It can be classified as:

1) Traditional bedspreads- having decorative pillows

2) Featherbed (or mattress pad or comforter)- fills up with feathers or down to give extra warmth

3) Duvet cover- duvet inside it covers the duvet to make it look like a complete bedspread

4) Matelasse (sometimes called brocade)- has sunburst pattern, embroidery

5) Cotton percale- very soft cotton cloth

6) Printed- bold designs

7) Silk bedspread/comforters – made from real silk

8) Woolen bedspread/comforters – made from wool

9) Fitted bedsheet with a very nice border spread over the mattress

You can find a vast variety of bedspreads in India. They are available in cotton, silk, and woolen fabric. Cotton spreads come in a number of different weaves too – simple ikat, ikkat, or bandhani to more complex patterns like hills, ikats, dhurries, and ikats from Rajasthan.

In addition, you can also find fine cotton as well as sateens. Moreover, the designs range from traditional Indian Folk art to modern contemporary styles from designers such as Ritu Kumar, Anju Modi, etc..

A special mention must be made of the Bandhani bedspreads from Gujarat that display wonderful geometric patterns and vibrant colors thanks to the tie and dye process.

Types of Quilts:

Quilts are generally smaller than bedspreads because they don’t have box pleats. A quilt that is 104 by 122 inches, for example, will fit a double bed nicely (although some people like to use it on queen beds too). A quilt has binding all around the edges which offer its shape.

It’s not possible to get a king-size quilt because you cannot make binding in different colors; therefore it would be too bulky to make. If you need a larger coverlet, buy two twin-sized ones and stitch them together with an additional border at the bottom – this way you can turn any size into a king or queen.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread? (cre: eachnight)

Types of Bedspreads:

1) Traditional Bedspreads – Having Decorative Pillows

It is the most common type of Indian quilt. It has decorative pillows attached to it.

Traditional bedspreads are also made in silk, cotton sateen, or cambric. The border of the quilt is given a heavy look by its thick material and heavy piping.

Usually, the traditional quilts are printed with stripes, checks, floral patterns, etc.

2) Featherbed (or mattress pad or comforter)- fills up with feathers or down to give extra warmth

Featherbeds are lighter than feather-filled comforters.

It provides more warmth because it fits tightly over your blanket for better insulation against cold winter months.

A featherbed has an interlining between your sheet and the feathers so that it doesn’t bunch up on you while you sleep as a comforter would.

3) Duvet Cover – The duvet inside it covers the duvet to make it look like a complete bedspread

A duvet cover is very similar to a duvet.

It’s like a case for your duvet (which you’ll use in conjunction with your blanket). The advantage of using a duvet cover is that you can easily wash your duvet when needed, without having to remove and wash your heavy blanket too.

Thus, if you have pets or kids at home, this may be an economical choice for you.

Also maybe if you’re considering changing colors regularly in your bedroom, then the simple duvets are better than the all-in-one comforters because they separate so that one piece doesn’t have to match the other.

4) Matelasse (sometimes called brocade)- has a sunburst pattern, embroidery

In plain language, it is a rich thick cloth with a raised design in it that looks like little leaves or flower petals.   It’s a type of jacquard-woven material that is typically made from cotton.

It will give your bed a comfortable and luxurious look.

5) Cotton Percale – Very soft cotton cloth

Cotton percale has very small threads woven together, making your bed feel cool and soft.  It’s also easy to clean and durable too.

This thread count for this percale is usually lower than 300 but more than 200 which makes it very soft without any wrinkles.

It has a heritage of more than 200 years and was popularly used in the early 19 th century for fine linens and bedding.

6) Printed Bed Spreads – Bold designs

It’s not very common to use prints in Indian bedrooms, but we see it more often in Western countries especially on designer beds.

This type of quilts is great if you like bold colors and patterns. They add life and cheer to your bedroom too, making them fun and energetic spaces.

You can easily use printed spreads as an alternative to wallpaper by choosing a few favorite prints from your collection and arranging them side-by-side on your walls instead. It’s also a great way to frame pictures or art pieces.

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread? (cre: amerisleep)

7) Silk Bedspread/Comforters – made from real silk

It is one of the most expensive types of the quilt in the market.

This type of quilt is manufactured by weaving two or more threads together to increase their strength and durability.

If treated well, this comforter will last for generations too.

The feel of silk bedding is unmatched when you sleep between sheets, so it’s definitely worth the investment.

8) Woolen Bedspread/Comforters – Made from wool

Woolen bedspreads or comforters are commonly found in colder climates as they provide good warmth. They’re also highly durable as compared to other materials because wool fibers have a great tensile strength which makes them resistant to tears and spills.

9) Cotton Fleece – Durable cotton fabric with pile on one side

Cotton fleece is very similar to polar fleece but has an extra layer of cotton to give it durability, plushness, and softness. It’s good for the colder seasons as it insulates well against cold weather.

When choosing a cotton fleece bedspread, go for one that isn’t too thin so that it doesn’t compromise on comfort or warmth because a heated blanket underneath can provide you enough warmth during the winter months. This type of quilt is also very easy to clean as compared to other types.

You need not worry about spills or tears because they’re durable enough. They’re also highly breathable, making them perfect for summer months too.

10) Bedspread Coverlet – Great for transitioning seasons

Transitional bedspreads are best if you change your bedding frequently to suit the weather. Unlike other types of quilts, these covers have a smooth plain side and a patterned side so that you can choose which one to display on any given day.

It will also save you from the trouble of having to face both sides outwards all the time, thus making it easy to change designs effortlessly especially if you’re concerned about matching patterns.

They’re very simple yet elegant in design and can be used as an alternative to wallpapers or even drapes. Nowadays transitional bedspreads come with matching pillow shams too, giving your bedroom a complete look.

11) Boudoir Bedspread/Comforter – for your bed set

This type of quilt is specially designed to match your bedroom set. It can be an under-bed spread, on the top cover, or a comforter.

They’re heavier than other types of quilts and are usually made from brocade, velvet, or satin materials.

The intricately embroidered designs on these bedspreads are very fashionable among Indian women too. You can pair it up with matching curtains or use them as a tablecloth as Dasharath did in one episode

What Is The Standard Size Of A Queen Bedspread?

12) Permatex – Herringbone weave silk bedspread (Dadima’s specialty)

Permatex also referred to as herringbone weave, is a type of silk bedspread that’s woven like a sari. The characteristic diagonal criss-cross pattern gives it its name – permatex which means “half sari” in French. These types of quilts is made by hand by artisans who have mastered the craftsmanship well enough to produce these royal pieces. They’re very breathable too although they feel heavy at first once you sleep under them, you’ll know exactly why they’re so popular among Indian women…

If you’re too lazy to do your own research on types of quilt then just take my personal advice – choose cotton or silk bedspreads/comforters instead of polyester-filled ones as they will give better insulation during the winter months.

In case you’re using a flat sheet as a bedspread then don’t forget to check its size before buying as you can’t afford to have wrinkled sheets just because it didn’t cover the entire length of your bed… Also, make sure that the sheet is smooth and wrinkle-free (especially if you plan on showcasing one side).

This will not only keep your bed looking neat but also give you an added advantage of fastening/ unfastening it quickly in case of any emergency.


A queen bedspread is typically 108 x 98 inches. This size may vary depending on the fabric, so be sure to measure before purchasing a new one for your bed if you are unsure of what size to buy.

Further Reading:

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