What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar?

Standard bathroom towel bar height is a hot topic that has been debated for years. For someone who is shorter, the standard may be too high to reach over and grab a towel from the rack, which can lead to less cleanliness in an already dirty environment.

Some argue that it’s not about how tall you are, but rather your arm length.

This means that if your arms are long enough, then you should have no problem grabbing a towel from the rack even if the bars are higher than what you’re used to.

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar?

It is hard to find a consensus on this topic. Some sources say the standard height of a towel bar is 60 inches from the floor, but these can vary greatly depending on who installs them – homeowners may have different requirements than professional bathroom renovation companies. Also, if you are looking for further proof that there isn’t one single correct answer, check out our high and low examples below!

The average height of a towel bar should be 48 inches from the floor.

This is also true for the hand towel ring. You can put it at 36 inches for children’s bathtubs because they are smaller, but as they get older, you will want to move it up to 48 inches.

High towel bars

Towel bars installed lower than 56 inches off the ground are considered too high by some people because they expose more of your shower curtain or liner to water splashes while you shower.

This issue is magnified when compared with regular bath towels as opposed to those with large dimensions such as waffle weave towels.

There is also the issue of reaching up to dry yourself.

Think about it, if your towel bar is too high you may end up having to hold onto the towel while drying off (which defeats its purpose), or reach uncomfortably with your arms overhead to get it back down.

Low towel bars

A bar that is installed lower than 44 inches from the ground could be considered hazardous for children and people who are shorter than average by some building codes. Some low towel bars can even cause you to hit your head on them – which typically doesn’t hurt, but might still be frustrating if you bump into it frequently. Also, when towels start to get older they can get pretty grimy due to constant contact with shower water.

If this happens and you can’t easily reach the towel bar to replace it, odds are you will not be very happy about having to clean your towels so often.

The best option: install a towel bar in between these heights at 54″ – 56″.

This height is easy for most people to access before and after their showers, but also allows the height of standard bath towels (which typically range from 30″-34″) to stay below eye level when hung.

It is also high enough that children won’t risk bumping into it, and low enough that if your towels get really dirty you can still reach up and replace them without feeling like you need a stepladder.

One additional thing we want to mention is that most towel bars are not typically installed any higher than 72″ (or 6 feet) unless it is custom ordered by an individual or company.

This is because the purpose of towel bars is to provide you easy access to them while taking a shower, which means they need to be at an arm’s length distance when you are in the process of drying off.

how high should a bathroom towel bar be

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar?

Why 54-56 inches?

Most people find this height range comfortable and efficient–easy enough for everyone to use without too much stretching or effort, but also far enough out of the way that it won’t interfere with your daily routine if lower heights would. We hope our article can help in making this decision easier for you! If you want more information on how we got these measurements

What about other bathroom fixtures?

This height range should apply to other fixtures in the bathroom as well. For example, grab bars should be installed around 44-46″ from the ground, and the first step on a staircase should be between 12″-17″ above the floor for safety reasons.

Another basic rule of thumb is that towel bars are typically installed lower than toilet paper holders, which can range anywhere from 60 – 72 inches high depending on how high you want your TP to hang down when it’s being used.

What if I have multiple people living/using one house?

If you have children or roommates who are of different heights, or there are certain individuals whose shower habits drastically change the wear and tear on your towel bars, you may need to adapt our recommendations by creating several different height categories.

If you have children, make sure to install lower towel bars for them to use without asking them to reach upwards excessively (which can strain their muscles). The other option is not having a towel bar installed at all during childhood years, and then adding one after they are old enough to take care of themselves. These decisions can be reversed if your kids grow up taller than average, leaving you with an extra high towel bar that’s difficult for everyone else in the house to access!

Remember that if you are uncertain about which height is best, 54-56 inches should fit most people.

There are other factors that come into play when you are trying to pick a towel bar height, such as how high you want to be able to reach it from the shower, and where you want your towels to be when not in use. These considerations depend on arm length, flexibility, and other individual factors that will be unique to everyone’s bathroom – but getting a towel bar at 54-56 inches will always provide the best balance of accessibility for most people.

how high should a bath towel bar be from the floor

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar?

What is the average height for bathroom hooks??

The average height for a standard hook is about 4 1/4 inches from the hook tip to the bottom of the hook.

How tall should hooks be in a bathroom?

Hooks need to be at waist level or slightly lower, not more than 5 ft high, and should be easy enough to use without needing too much effort.

The average person spends a couple of hours a day in front of the bathroom sink, so you want something that’s accessible and comfortable to reach for. At least 4 inches, but no higher than 6 – 7 inches works well for most people. They should also rotate so they’re not always facing down when you let go of them; it makes them much easier to reach and use.

I always wondered if the “5 feet high” was a typo… but I guess not!

However, people might want shorter hooks for small children and/or short adults.

For example one company makes a set of 8 plastic hooks that range in height from 2 inches (for little kids) to 5 3/4 inches (for tall men).

What is the average width for bathroom towel bars?

The standard width is about 18-19 1/2 inches wide. [9] [10] Some homes have wider bathrooms, so you can get ones up to 22 or 24 inches. [11] Whatever width you get, make sure it’s not too wide for your bathroom.

You don’t want to take up all the space with towel bars! It takes away from the room and makes it look cluttered. The average length for a towel bar is about 28 – 30 inches long in most cases.

What are small hooks called?

Small hooks are sometimes referred to as French cleats or cup hooks in some countries.

They often have a U-shaped hook that you can hang things on vertically or horizontally without putting nails into the wall/surface that you’re hanging them on.

I’ve seen them used for decorations, house numbers, keys, holding up curtains… pretty much anything you could imagine.13] Some have locks so they don’t fall off.

What are the different types of showerheads?

There are a wide variety of showerheads available on the market today. A lot of them include multiple settings, so you can choose what kind of shower experience you want.

Some popular options include a Rainfall showerhead – A single overhead spray that mimics rain or a gentle waterfall.

Water-saving showerhead

– There are many varieties available to help conserve water and reduce bills.

 Handheld shower head

– Allows more flexibility when bathing, including washing pets and young children in the bathtub without needing to move them around so much.

High-tech/massage/rainfallmultifunctional shower heads – There are a wide variety of options for this type, from individual jets to all-in-one shower systems.

Multiple showerheads

– One on the wall and one handheld. Some people like to be able to switch between them so they can alternate their experiences quickly and easily.

what is the standard height of a bathroom towel bar

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar?

How long should a bath mat last?

For most average households, you can expect your bath mats to stay in good condition for about 5 years on average before they start looking worn down or having problems with holes, mildew build-up, or other issues that might affect their longevity.

You can extend that time by following these tips: Use a mat with rubber backing if possible – it doesn’t slip as much as those made with cloth. [16] Keep your bathroom well-ventilated – if there isn’t good ventilation, water can get trapped inside the mats and lead to mildew issues.

This is especially important in humid climates or places where people take frequent baths. Clean often – it’s best to clean your bath mat at least once a week so you don’t have buildup/mildew problems with them.

If you’re walking on them while they’re wet, rotate them so one side doesn’t wear out too quickly. And lastly, store them properly when they’re not in use – this also prevents mildew build-up that will shorten their lifespan.

Where should towels be placed in a bathroom??

To answer this common question, the first thing you should know is that there are four ways to properly hang a towel: over a shower curtain rod or bar; on a hook inside the tub or shower, across the back of a bathroom door, and on a towel rack beside an outside entrance door. If you want to make sure your towels last as long as possible, don’t place them anywhere near sources of heat such as radiators or heating vents.

This can cause rapid evaporation that will dry out and damage your towels faster than they would normally. Another drying trick is to use a squeegee after each shower before hanging up your towel to remove excess water from it. The more times you run a towel through with wet fibers, the more likely it is to wear out quickly.

To keep bath mats looking their best, wash them after each use. Most bath mats are designed to be hand washed or machine-washed on a gentle cycle with warm water and mild detergent.

Wash bath mats separately from clothes as they may pick up lint from other items during the washing process. After washing, roll the wet mat in a towel and squeeze gently to remove excess water. Then, lay the mat out on a clean towel and allow it to air-dry overnight.

what is the average height of a bathroom towel bar

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar? (cre: bobvila)

How high should a toilet roll holder be??

This conundrum is one that has vexed me for quite some time. Is it the height of a seated person? The average height of an adult? Or should we take into account other factors, such as girth and dexterity? There are so many different variables to consider! What’s a poor girl to do?!

Luckily, I have found the answer using my super scientific method: Google! In all seriousness though, there isn’t a universally agreed-upon height for toilet roll holders.

Unlike most things in life where there seems to be an accepted standard or range of ‘correct’ measurements, this appears to be a case where everyone does whatever they want without worrying too much about how it might look in relation to their bathroom suite. Fortunately, some people have taken the time to document this phenomenon and we can see how wildly different toilet roll holders can be.

Install your toilet paper holder next to the toilet. Install it so that the holder is 8 inches to 12 inches away from the toilet. Children should have a holder that is 8 inches to 9 inches away, and adults who are not very tall should use 10 inches to 12 inches. The best height for a person with an average or taller height is 26 inches from floor level.

What can I use instead of a towel bar?

A shelf or towel ring.

Towel rings come in a variety of styles to match nearly any decor.

Rather than a tight bar, they have a single rod upon which you hang the towel. They’re a bit easier for kids and smaller adults to use too!

Is it better to roll or fold towels?

Rolling towels have become the preferred way to keep them organized in many bathrooms around the world.

From beach houses to luxury hotel suites, guests just love coming across fluffy, well-organized towels that are perfectly rolled and easy to grab before taking a shower or bath. Although it takes just a few minutes longer than simply folding them into rectangles, virtually anyone can master the art of rolling up towels.

The bathroom is one of the most difficult rooms in the house for keeping things tidy because it tends to be both wet and damp at times. Towels are used daily whether they are hung up immediately after using them or left on the floor until they dry out enough to pick up later for reuse.

If you want your towels smelling great, clean, and making your bathroom look tidy, you need to find a way to keep them looking good.

how high should towel bar be from floor

Should I wash my towel after every use??

Washing your towel after every use is unnecessary and can actually be harmful to the fabric.

Not only will it wear out the fibers faster, but it will shorten its lifespan and decrease absorbency. Here’s how: Washing too frequently with detergent results in residue being left behind which decreases absorbency.

Therefore drying becomes less effective as towels won’t be able to dry you as effectively as before which leads to a souring of your towel’s smell (trust us that stench doesn’t go away). A study done by the University of Bonn says: “High wash temperatures and high detergent concentrations remove bacteria from cotton textiles; however, they also accelerate damage to cellulose fibers.”

High-temperature machine washes and bleach will break down the cotton and hemp fibers (which is why your towel gets flimsy and thin). These practices decrease absorbency over time.

If you do choose to wash your towels after every use, be sure to use a gentle or natural detergent, cold water, and air-dry them outside of the dryer.

Otherwise, there’s no need to go crazy washing your towel after every use as long as they’re not too dirty (i.e: The dirtier it is the more germs and bacteria are on it so we’d recommend washing more frequently).

Standard bathroom towel bar height

What Is The Average Height Of A Bathroom Towel Bar? (Cre: ballarddesigns)

Is washcloth better than loofah?

A washcloth is more convenient than loofah (luffa) because you can use it to scrub your body using soap or shower gel.

Once you are done, just hang the washcloth up to dry and you do not need to worry about cleaning up a loofah which should be done after each use.

How To Use A Wash Cloth Correctly?

Basically, there are two ways on how you can use a washcloth. The first one is to get it wet using warm water and apply your favorite soap on the cloth just like you would do with your hands when washing.

You then scrub your body until you are satisfied that all dirt has been rinsed off then just hang the cloth up to dry before making use of it next time.

A much simpler alternative that does not require you to wet the cloth first is by dipping it in the bathtub filled with soapy water and squeezing it tightly so as to remove excess liquid.

Then start brushing hard enough such that dead skin cells and other impurities dislodges from your skin due to friction caused by stroke movements before finally rinsing off thoroughly. The big difference between this technique and the first one is it saves a lot of time.


For a standard towel bar height, the average is 54 inches.

To work with this number, you should make sure your bathroom fixtures are also at least 54 inches high to avoid any discomfort for taller people using them. Have you measured out how tall your fixture and towels bars are? It may be time to upgrade if they don’t measure up!

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