What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage?

What is standard garage light wattage?

This can be a difficult question to answer without knowing the specifics of the type you are looking for.

For example, if you are asking about LED lights, it can vary greatly depending on what you need them for.

We’ll help break down some popular lighting types and their typical wattages so that this doesn’t seem like such an impossible feat!

What is standard garage light wattage?

A 60-watt light bulb uses 60 watts and gives off around 800 lumens. An LED bulb needs 8 watts to give off that much light, a CFL needs 23, and a Halogen needs 40 watts.

If you want to know how much power your garage lights will use, look at the wattage

what is the normal size of a two car garage door

How Many Lumens Do I Need for a 2 Car Garage?

A 2 car garage is a typical size for a detached building in the home, and can also serve as a man cave or a workshop. This article provides some guidelines on the different lighting options available, while another article discusses how to determine the appropriate amount of light depending upon what you need to use it for.

An inexpensive way to light up your 2 car garage is to use T8 fluorescent light bulbs that fit into an overhead fixture. The typical two-car garage requires between 8 and 12 linear feet of fluorescent lights, which will cost about $40–$80 per fixture including installation materials.

For example, if you have 16 linear feet of garage space you’ll need at least two overhead fixtures so each one will receive an equal amount of light.

You can also buy ready-made LED strips that are usually available in 2 or 4-foot lengths and they come with a sticky back to affix them wherever you’d like.

The strip lights have an adhesive backing so you can stick them directly to the garage ceiling, along workbenches, under cabinets, or shelves – wherever you need a convenient light source.

For example, if the 12 linear feet above was divided evenly between two walls it would be appropriate to put a strip on each wall – costs for these types of LED strips run about $25-$75 per four feet including installation materials.

LEDs do not offer as much light output as fluorescent lighting fixtures but they do provide convenience since the entire length is already wired together for plug and play installation.

A more expensive option that some consider being more stylish is the recessed LED lighting kit available from home improvement stores.

The recessed lights look a lot like a standard can or troffers, but they have LEDs instead of fluorescent or halogen bulbs. These types of fixtures are typically more expensive – for example, a 4-light kit may cost you $150-$300 including materials – however, they provide a lot more light with no heat, especially if you require many of them as in this case. In addition, most come with dimmable switches so you can adjust how bright it gets depending on your needs at the time.

The last option is to use skylights to bring in additional natural light from the outdoors. Many people like the appearance of skylights but it doesn’t provide as much light since you’re only getting natural light during certain times of the day and does require more expensive materials for installation.

A basic 2-light skylight kit generally runs about $800–$1500 including materials that may be too much to spend unless your garage is located in an area where it often lacks sunlight.

Since all three options offer different benefits depending on how they are used, you should consider them all when designing your plans for a new garage, or planning to upgrade the one you already have.

For example, if you want additional outdoor lighting using LED strips can look very stylish under cabinets or around support beams – while replacing old fluorescent fixtures with a recessed LED option will provide more light without heat.

best wattage for outdoor garage lights

What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage?

What light bulbs should I use for the garage?

Any standard light bulb will work. Halogen, LED, fluorescent, etc. The main criteria should be wattage and the ability to mount it securely in your garage ceiling. Since you want a lot of light, I suggest using multiple bulbs or at least running 100 watts. [ see more details below ]

You should look for “rough service,” “indoor/outdoor,” and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) approved bulbs.

The best way to get the required 100 watts is to use two 50 watt common lamps or one 25 watt Bayonet cap style lamp connected in parallel. Alternatively, you can use four 18-20 watt CFLs or three 30-40 watt incandescent lights.

A warning though: You cannot use standard bulbs that are designed for 120 volts household circuits.

They will explode when connected to a 240-volt circuit.

The following table gives the wattage of the most common lamp styles found in homes.

It is important to specify which electrical service you have (120/240 volts, single or three-phase) so you can select the right light bulb.

Most ceiling fixtures are rated for about 100 watts, but you can put up to 200 watts in them depending on your local code requirements and if the fixture has adequate ventilation.

A common mounting height is 14 feet from floor level to the bottom of the light bulb. As an example, 2 × 50 watt lamps would give good illumination at this height with 5-6 foot high garage ceilings. (4800–6000 lumens)

Can you put a 100W bulb in the garage door opener?

The answer is yes, of course! But there are still some issues with this.

The reason why I asked the question is that many people use that kind of bulb and the problem they face is that it overheats and then burns out, or melts the plastic around it.

Actually, we found out that if you want to replace your existing light (40W – 60) with LED bulbs (6-8 watt), you probably don’t need to change any additional components, simply replace the old halogen lamp with an LED bulb and everything should work fine unless your garage door opener has built-in fan cooling system.

Basically replacing a light bulb is very easy, you switch it on and screw the bulb in.

Although there are some models with different designs of light cover which makes it a little more complicated to change.

When you install 100W LED bulbs in place of existing 40-60W incandescent or halogen lights it will get too hot because 100W LED bulb energy consumption is 6W – 8W not 40-60W like the old ones.

So if you close the garage door while using a 100W LED bulb inside the opener its overheats and melt the plastic around him, at the end new replacement light would burn out even faster than the old one.

what wattage light bulb for garage

What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage? (cre: stkrconcepts)

How can I light my garage without electricity??

A garage is a place of many uses, especially in the garden. It’s an accessory for your outdoor equipment, a shelter where you can work without being bothered by the weather, and more. So naturally, it needs to be well-lit for your safety and convenience.

But what do you do if there’s no electricity or you simply want to save on energy bills?

Here are some lighting ideas that will make working in your garage safe and easy even without power:

Bicycle light

This is one of the cheapest ways to light up your garage. Bike lights come in different styles and colors so pick one that matches the color scheme of your garage.

Just attach it on top of a stand or hang it from anywhere using string or cable. If you have a couple of bikes, make sure to get enough bike lights for all of them.

Bucket light

Tying or gluing a string of LED Christmas lights around your ceiling will instantly turn any garage into an interesting nightlight. You can also add multiple strings together if you want your garage lit up like in the picture above.

This lighting system is so cheap and easy to install yet it’s really effective in creating ambiance and mood in your garage. Just add a couple of solar spotlights for extra illumination! Pendant light

Solar rope light will last much longer than ordinary Christmas lights and they’re ideal for outdoor use as well because they don’t need electricity or power sources.

Just hang these pendants anywhere that gets sufficient illumination during the day. Since they’re low-voltage lights that only consume 12 watts of power, you can hang as many of them as you like and still not worry about energy costs.

Solar post caps

The solar rope lights and pendants above need to be connected to an AC or DC power source for them to function; however, these decorative solar post caps don’t need any such wiring because they get their illumination from built-in LEDs which are powered by a rechargeable battery inside.

They also come in multiple finishes so you can choose one that’s perfect for your garage’s exterior design.

These panel lights are ideal if you want some lighting on your porch but don’t want it to be intrusive or too bright at night.

what wattage light bulb for garage door opener

What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage? (Cre: bobvila)

Solar spotlights

Just like the post caps above, these are also wireless lights that you can install anywhere in your garage without worrying about any wiring or AC power sources.

Just make sure to get one of those long-lasting LED solar spotlights because they won’t be able to recharge during the day unless there’s enough sunlight coming through their lens.

The more of these spotlights you have, the better illumination you will get inside your garage at night.

Outdoor wall lamps

These wireless light fixtures need to be hung on an external wall in order to work, but they’re really easy to install even if it’s just a temporary lighting measure for your garage.

Their design is also weatherproof so you don’t have to worry about rain, snow, and other types of inclement weather.

Solar path lights

Path lights are meant to be used in the garden and along walkways so they’re not very suitable for garages. But you can still try them if you want to create a different kind of ambiance inside your garage by using soft lighting instead of harsh fluorescent or incandescent bulbs.

Just make sure that there’s enough illumination outside your garage because these solar-powered lights only shine dimly at night.

Do you need a special bulb for a garage door opener?

Garage door openers are still limited by the type of bulb they can use. This is why replacement bulbs can get expensive, but it’s important to get your money’s worth. If you have an opener that requires a standard-size light socket, then you’ll need to find out what size your garage lights are in order to get the correct replacement. Once you know how big the lights are, measuring will tell you what kind of bulb your opener uses – incandescent or halogen.

For an incandescent bulb, look for one with a wattage rating between 75 and 150 watts. For Halogen lights, there isn’t enough information available online about which wattage is best for garage door openers. The best place to look is from the company that made your garage door opener.

If you have a newer opener, it may be able to use a light-emitting diode (LED) bulb instead of incandescent or halogen bulbs. LEDs are energy efficient and have a lifespan up to 100 times longer than other types of bulbs. They also produce very little heat, so they won’t damage the moving components in your garage door as easily as other types of bulbs might.

What watt light bulb goes in a LiftMaster garage door opener?

The 3 watt light bulb for a LiftMaster garage door opener can be found at any local hardware store. They are very common and inexpensive, but they do not last long. Usually, the bulb is good for about 1 year.

If you lost or broke your 3-watt bulb and need to replace it immediately, we would recommend using anything from a 15 watt to a 20-watt lamp.

It will not cause any problems with your garage door opener and provide plenty of illumination so that you do not trip over things as you enter/exit the garage in the dark.

what wattage for outdoor garage lights

What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage?

How do I change the light bulb in my overhead garage door opener?

First, turn off the power supply to the garage door opener. Use your ladder to reach up and pull down one of the two strings hanging from the motor unit to ensure it’s not receiving electricity. Now you can remove the light cover on top of the opener. Unplug the wire harness that connects to the light bulb inside and replace it with a new bulb (if necessary).

If there isn’t enough room in which to change bulbs, unplug only one wire harness at a time to lower down just far enough so you can access both hand-holds underneath to completely disconnect both units.

To reattach, hold onto each side until you hear clicking sounds for each screw.

Once complete, bring back up slowly by holding onto each side until they are completely reattached. Plug the wire harness back into the light bulb, snap on the light cover and turn the power supply back on to test the garage door opener for functionality (not recommended during nighttime hours). Make sure the new bulb is turned off before using!

what watt light bulb goes in a liftmaster garage door opener

Are LED lights vibration resistant??

The use of LED technology in the lighting industry is increasing due to their energy savings. However, there are still some not-well-answered questions about these lights’ characteristics. One important question is whether LEDs are vibration-resistant.

We know that many other light sources, like tungsten filament lamps, for instance, will go out if they receive certain vibrations during operation (e.g., driving over a bridge).

These vibrations can be caused by traffic or passing trains and will cause interruption of service until the light source has cooled down sufficiently to restart operation again. The same phenomena could also be expected with LEDs; however, much less power is used by LEDs than tungsten filament lamps so interruption may last longer.

Usually, it takes several minutes for an LED to cool down to a temperature that allows it to restart. For this reason, unlike with other light sources, it is not advisable to use the same fixtures for both LED and tungsten filament lamps.

what wattage for garage lights

What Is Standard Garage Light Wattage?

LEDs can withstand vibrations but they need to be exposed for a long time in case of vibrations producing heat (traveling on vehicles).

This degrades the performance (lifetime) of LEDs over time.

The technology needed to avoid these issues is called ‘thermal management. Another issue about LEDs that needs some development is their ‘dynamic behavior’ i.e., what happens if there are several shocks/vibrations which cannot be avoided by proper mounting? Can we handle this? Do we need special fixtures?

LEDs have a very high switching frequency of typically 100 kHz which is resulting in a wide spectrum.

If there is a disturbance in the power supply, this will be filtered by the LED itself and therefore no or hardly any influence on the output light will occur.

An advantage of LEDs being used for illumination purposes is that they don’t get hot so easily during operation.

This means they can be cooled down more quickly after they’ve been switched off and restarted: within minutes typically (depending on the type of LED), whereas it might take up to an hour for some types of fluorescent lamps/bulbs to cool down before they can restart; if at all! For short-term disturbances like when crossing over train tracks then no effect should be seen.

The vibrations caused by traffic should not be a problem either as the profile of LED lights is typically very thin and generates a low amount of vibrations compared to other light sources like metal halide lamps for instance.


Are you ready to upgrade your home’s exterior lighting but not sure what the best option for your space would be? With an LED or fluorescent bulb, homeowners can enjoy many benefits that traditional incandescent bulbs don’t offer including less energy consumption, lower maintenance costs, longer life span, more brightness options, and a whiter hue.

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