What Is Standard Bedroom Ceiling Height?

What Is Standard Bedroom Ceiling Height? This article discusses the standard ceiling height in a bedroom.

The average ceiling height for a bedroom is 8ft, but that can vary depending on your preference and specific needs.

You should be careful to select the right size for your room because an undersized or oversized fixture can have adverse effects on how you feel about your space.

Do you know the standard bedroom ceiling height?

If you have a homemade before the International Building Code, the standard ceiling height is 9 feet. But if it is newer, it can be different. People sometimes change their houses to have a shorter ceiling so they don’t have to change their furniture.

The standard height of a ceiling in a bedroom is about 2.4 meters to 2.7 meters tall.

However, there are also exceptions to the standard size of the ceiling height.

Single Bedroom House with an area of ​​about 30 square meters in Indonesia has a ceiling height of about 2.5 m, while most houses that have an area of ​​about 60 square meters have ceiling heights ranging from 2.6 to 2.7 meters high.

Ceiling Height for the Living Room is not only reflected in the amount of space in your home but can also be used as a design element when decorating your home.

Typically, the room with a low ceiling height is used by placing various lighting fixtures in it to create special effects in its design.

On the other hand, if your living room has a high ceiling height, you can add comfortable sofas and chairs to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Another common thing that must be considered when designing your house is how high the ceiling should be.

The standard size of the ceiling height in most rooms such as bedrooms or bathrooms is between 2.4 m and 2.7 m.

However, for this time we will discuss the bedroom with a low ceiling height.

The size of the bedroom with a low-ceiling height of fewer than 2 meters makes you feel uncomfortable when sleeping because it seems like there is no space at all to move around in the room.

In addition, having a small room also makes you feel closed in when sleeping so that it can disrupt your sleep.

If done properly, there are some ways to make the room seem larger with a low ceiling height.

Here are some ideas on how to decorate a low bedroom ceiling height.

  1. Place furniture on one side of the room

For those who have a small bedroom, you can place the furniture on one side of your room instead of placing it in various parts of the room, this makes your room look wider.

  1. Add colorful paint

Painting is another way to make your room appear more spacious by adding color with special features such as stripes or polka dots.

  1. Use mirror image reflection

Doing this trick will make your bedroom seem larger than it really is.

Just hanging or placing mirrors opposite each other that face each other and reflect double images into the opposite wall will create an illusion that looks like there is twice as much space.

  1. Use light-colored furniture

Using light-designed furniture in your bedroom will make the room look brighter and larger.

The size of the room with a high ceiling can disrupt your sleep because it makes you feel like there is no ceiling at all, so you feel uncomfortable.

To make this type of house more comfortable to sleep in, decorate the room where the ceiling height is too high by placing different lighting fixtures that hang from above or simply placing pendant lamps.

This lighting fixture will create an impression that there are many layers in the ceiling, making it seem less high.

What Is Standard Bedroom Ceiling Height? (cre: homeguides)

Different ceiling heights in the same bedroom

Different Ceiling Heights Bedroom. If you’re a small or average person, ceilings that are lower than 8 feet may feel confining. Most people compensate with an upward gaze, which leads to neck and back strain from constantly looking up. In the end, everyone in the house feels uncomfortable.

Some people believe that low ceilings make a room appear smaller or cozier, but this isn’t always true.

For example, if your ceiling is so low that you have to slouch in order to walk through it comfortably, then your mind will naturally assume that the space is smaller than it is in reality.

Before you decide to raise your ceiling, it’s important that you understand what happens when you do so. Raising the height of a ceiling has both pros and cons, depending on how tall it is already.

The most common benefit of raising the height of a ceiling is adding more volume to the room.

What Is Standard Bedroom Ceiling Height? (cre: bobvila)

Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

Oversized Master Bedroom Ceiling Light Fixture

The first thing that you should consider when designing your master bedroom ceiling is to install an oversized light fixture.

If you have a high ceiling, nothing should stop you from installing glam chandeliers or exquisite pendants.

However, if your bedroom has low ceilings, give yourself the luxury of ample lighting by hanging statement floor lamps in each corner of the room. One other small tip here; use dimmed lights whenever possible and turn them on only when needed otherwise it will be a waste of electricity and money.

Bohemian Style Master Bedroom Ceilings

This style is inspired by old-school Bohemians who were free-spirited individuals back in the day when they were alive.

They had an affinity for nature and loved long flowery skirts paired with colorful tops which you should include in this style if you want to get everything right from head to toe.

In terms of room design, paint the walls in light colors and install fans in each corner of the room.

If you can afford to, install a wooden floor which will be perfect for this style.

Colorful Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

This is yet another attractive master bedroom ceiling idea that you can try out if you are an ardent fan of color.

For this style, choose soft pastel shades instead of bright primary colors to give your room a warm inviting feel when you walk in after a long day’s work.

To enhance the appeal even further, add patterned curtains and bed sheets and make sure they match the overall theme of your bedroom.

Black and White Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

When creating a black and white themed master bedroom ceiling, try to stick to the basics and avoid anything that is too loud.

For this style, choose curtains that are either black or white but not both because your overall theme should be monochromatic with just a dash of color here and there.

To keep everything light on the eyes, paint one wall entirely in white while another in black.

Library Style Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

With so many books available online nowadays, who would need an actual library at home?

This is part of the reason why this master bedroom ceiling idea has become quite popular among homeowners since it does not really come with all the issues associated with owning a library.

The best thing about this design is that you can create any shape you want including squares, rectangles, or even octagons.

To keep things interesting, mix and match the styles of your ceiling lights because you never know what will look great together until you experiment with different shapes and designs.

Modern Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

For those who prefer modern designs, this is one idea you might want to consider trying out.

When done right, it has the power to transform your bedroom into a sophisticated space that will give you a reason to spend more time there rather than in some other place in your house.

To pull off this design effortlessly, install a single large light above your bed or even a chandelier if you must but make sure it complements the rest of the room’s decor perfectly.

Iconic Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

This master bedroom ceiling idea takes inspiration from iconic paintings made famous by leading painters throughout history including Dale Chihuly, Nick Veasey, Guido Daniele, and George Condo among many others.

There is a reason why you should choose iconic paintings as your inspiration because the artists have been able to capture the essence of their times in a creative way which makes each painting highly memorable.

In this design, add colors selectively including reds, yellows, and other vibrant shades for maximum effect.

Shabby Chic Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

This style takes inspiration from countries that have gone through tumultuous times but still manage to retain their unique sense of beauty even after enduring so much hardship over the years.

To pull off this look effortlessly, choose curtains with a floral print or a combination of red, blue, and white color shades.

Alternatively, paint one wall entirely in Red while another in Blue to remind both parties of the distance that still needs to be bridged before you can finally call yourselves one united country.

Multi-Colored Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

This style takes inspiration from artists like Zaha Hadid who created fluid designs which look almost as if they are alive!

To pull off this design effortlessly, choose curtains with bright colors and make sure they match everything else in your bedroom’s decor perfectly.

Lighting also plays an important role in this master bedroom ceiling idea because it must bring out the colorful highlights just like how it would be on an actual painting.

Neutral Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas For those who prefer a classic look, this is one idea you might want to consider trying out.

This style takes inspiration from Norman Rockwell’s paintings which have been famous for their ability to evoke various emotions among people of all ages in America in times gone by.

To pull off this design effortlessly, paint your bedroom ceiling in shades of white or cream while using either flat or eggshell paints on the walls depending on how they fit in with the rest of the room’s decor.

Lighting also plays an important role in this design because it must help set the mood that will turn your bedroom into a romantic space where you can express yourselves freely without any inhibitions whatsoever.

Contemporary Master Bedroom Ceiling Ideas

This style takes inspiration from abstract paintings which have been popular for their unique approach to bringing out the beauty that lies in simplicity.

To pull off this design effortlessly, choose curtains with bright colors that will bring out the highlights just like how it would be on an actual painting.

Alternatively, you could also paint your bedroom ceiling white or cream while using either flat or eggshell paints on the walls depending on how they fit in with the rest of the room’s decor.

Lighting also plays an important role in this idea because it must help set the mood that will turn your bedroom into a romantic space where you can express yourselves freely.


There are a lot of factors that go into determining the height and size of your bedroom ceiling. Your budget, time constraints, and personal preferences all play large roles in this decision process.

We recommend you consult with an experienced contractor or building professional before making any final decisions on the design details for your new space.

One thing is certain though – if you want to enjoy as much natural light as possible during those long winter months ahead, we suggest choosing a taller than average window treatment such as blinds or shades so they can be opened more easily without hitting the top of the wall.

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