Vintage Style Home Decor in Megan Alexandra’s Home

Planting a garden is an act of hope for fruitful days to come. When Clayton and I first married, we planted our very own garden at our first little house together with visions of bountiful produce dancing in the back of my mind.

It was sort-of a flop but year after year we persisted and tried again until finally each summer season’s bounty had become one those most favorite parts about summers past when all work has ceased long enough it let me be outside digging up potatoes or harvesting sweet corn from its stalk.

This is my first year of starting all of our own seedlings for the back yard kitchen garden, and now I have a room dedicated to these tiny green life-forms.

This overcast spring morning has been wonderful because it’s given me time to tend to them while they grow at their own pace in one location.

It feels so good after spending this past week repotting some plants in our porch that we converted into an indoor greenhouse! Here’s hoping for sunnier days ahead…they’re just around the corner with juicy heirloom tomatoes fresh from off the vine on late summer nights.

List items in Megan Alexandra’s Home:

#1. Drolet HT3000 on pedestal – High-efficiency 2020 EPA certified wood stove DB07300 – The HT3000 succeeds to the HT2000

#2. MOSFiATA Garden Tools Set, 3 Pcs Garden Tools Kit

#3. Ashley Furniture Signature Design

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