What is the standard of a kitchen and bath?
The kitchen and baths are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Aesthetics can be an important factor to consider when designing a kitchen or bath because it will make people want to spend more time there.
So what does this mean for someone who wants their home’s kitchen or bathroom design to be up-to-date with modern trends?
It means that they should find inspiration from high-end kitchens and bathrooms, such as those found in luxury hotels.
There are many ways to incorporate these styles into your own space, even if you live on a budget. You can use finishes like marble, granite, stone, or wood; then add accents like lighting fixtures made out of copper pipe fittings with small lights.
Do you know standard of kitchen and bath?
Being able to use them comfortably is fundamental. But how should the kitchen and bathroom be set out, what works best? We’ve looked at this one question from different angles – that is, our experts’ opinions vary somewhat on this matter.
Of course, there are many differing viewpoints when it comes to kitchens and bathrooms. Some like stone surfaces (granite) others appreciate ceramic tile or other materials. There are all kinds of options for laying out your flooring including laminate, linoleum, or cork flooring among others. But first, let’s look at some considerations:
There should be enough space to move around in the kitchen without bumping into people or objects; preferably also enough space outside that you can sit down together on the porch without having to squeeze.
That’s not such a big deal in today’s world but it is possible to make sure you have enough space for everyone; including things like ovens and dishwashers.
The crucial kitchen appliances should be within easy reach – of course, that also includes your plates and cutlery which need to be where you can see them and get at them more or less effortlessly.
If there are lots of steps involved in moving between different parts of your kitchen then it is going to be harder work than if everything is set out so that everything is close together.
You don’t want to keep bumping into furniture or knocking over glasses of water when your hands are full so try and find a layout where this doesn’t happen too often.
I’m not saying that everything has to be right next to each other but there should definitely be logic behind the arrangement of your kitchen furniture.
If you have plenty of storage space then it shouldn’t be hard for everyone to put things away where they are supposed to go.
You should also make sure that there is room for all of the members of your household (including furry ones) under the table and in front of the cooking hob; plus enough space around your fridge so people can see what’s what without having to open cupboard doors every 5 minutes…
Think about how much room you need when chopping different ingredients, especially if you like cooking with children. For example, if one chops garlic while another does something else then maybe you need more counter space.
Standard Of Kitchen And Bath
The kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are the three rooms where water is poured onto surfaces so it’s especially important to have smooth, slip-resistant surfaces in these areas – whether they be ceramic tiles or other flooring materials that get wet. There should be enough space between your sink and the stove/cooking hob so that pots don’t overheat on the worktop while cooking.
It makes sense to put your plates next to your plates instead of putting them right at the back of an overfilled cupboard – except if you anticipate regular broken/lost ones!
All kinds of things need tidying up in a house; not least children’s things like toys, school folders, etc… That’s why it’s a good idea to have wall-mounted storage next to the children’s beds – but keep it as neat as possible and some things might need getting rid of.
Do you want some space for yourself?
If so then maybe your bedroom needs some lights that aren’t on the ceiling or perhaps a sofa bed… Maybe a nice wardrobe would do it too. And if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen then having a dining area there is very common especially if your family eats together regularly.
If you can fit all of those expectations into one room then great! But generally speaking bathrooms are not exactly spacious rooms and they tend to be used more by just one person rather than many at once, although this may vary according to household size.
In the end, it’s a matter of personal taste as to what you think you want. In my article on living room layout, I mentioned that the best thing to do is simply imagine how you would feel if you had guests over and they asked for something from a cupboard… If you have to take a step back or go around a corner then maybe there’s not enough space there for your needs.
It’s hard to plan ahead – especially if one doesn’t know how many pets or children might be involved at some point in the future – but being realistic about what will fit into your home without making things too cramped can help enormously with keeping the mess under control. Try measuring everything, even draw floor plans and pictures of what you want the different rooms to look like using crayons/pencils, etc.
One of the most important things with arranging the layout of a room is being aware that it might need changing at some point in the future. Most people are prepared for this if they have bought or built their home themselves but if you move into someone else’s house then you run the risk of creating additional work that won’t be necessary unless you visit frequently
Standard Of Kitchen And Bath
What is the minimum size of a kitchen?
There are no regulations about the size of a kitchen, just think it’s good to have enough space for practicality and comfort. Commonly it is between 8 and 10 square meters.
The minimum size in Germany is 7 m², but according to the German Fire Protection Association, even 5 m² standing room suffices for comfortable working with food.
What counts as a kitchen?
Kitchen – this includes appliances such as stove, fridge, dishwasher, etc.
It does not include ovens built into built-in cabinets or components that do not contain standard appliances (for example microwave ovens). For compact kitchens, it is an appliance if it fills an area of at least 0.75 square meters (with effective dimensions of at least 50 × 60 cm).
How much space should be available?
Again, nothing is regulated.
But you should take precautions for ergonomics and safety: A clear working height of at least 85 cm (for example under work surfaces), at least 0.9 m storage space behind built-in appliances, sufficient electrical equipment to process energy demand, such as 5-ampere power sockets (without contact protection) or 10-ampere socket with contact protection 24 amperes total.
Also, there must be enough room in front of the sink for water to drain away safely and easy access to it also for tall people (necessary clearance above the sink 1.55 m, clearance below 750 mm required). Keep in mind that all appliances require a certain amount of space to function optimally.
In Germany, the building code sets only a minimum requirement for kitchens in terms of safety and functionality.
The same applies to appliances. In addition, it may be that not all requirements are met by one kitchen type or material – then you should choose an appropriate solution. It makes sense to talk about it with your customers, architects, and planners from the beginning.
Standard Of Kitchen And Bath (cre: crddesignbuild)
What is the size of a home office?
Minimum size: 10 m². According to German law, 1/3 of a room can be separated by a door or curtain (for example home office).
Therefore, at least 3 meters width should have this part for 1 workstation so far.
What counts as a home office?
The rule is that the room must be at least 10 m². So an area of 8 m² with 1 desk, file cabinet, and 6 m ² standing can be used.
But it should not look like a box in the room because the space should be seen as adequate for this use.
Most importantly, you should think about how to organize your workstation (e.g. desk, filing cabinets). However, according to German law, only 1/3 of a room can be separated by a door or curtain for example for home office use. Therefore, at least 3 meters width should have this part for 1 workstation so far.
How much space is needed?
More than thinking about the size, you should consider where you want to put it. It is also not necessary that the home office has separate entrances or bathrooms.
If your workstation is located within a living room or dining room, there must be enough space for people to move around (clearance of at least 0.75 m ).
How large are my technical devices?
By law, there must be enough space for 1 workstation for every person working here (at least 3 m width). Here, you need space for all necessary technical devices that could be needed at the workplace (eg telephone, internet connection).
Then you also have to check whether sufficient electrical outlets are available through appropriate wiring/sockets. This might be different depending on the building and its use if this area is designed as living space or office space etc. However, there must always be enough power sockets installed to meet current needs.
Standard Of Kitchen And Bath (cre: nkba)
The standard size of kitchen bath
Towels is approximately 30″ * 12″ (76.2cm * 30.5cm), and equivalent bath towels for “kids” are in size of 22″ * 11″, which might be a little too small to use, especially when adults dry themselves after showering in the bathroom.
For children or families with toddlers at home, we recommend using our larger sized kitchen & bath towels, measuring 36″*15″(91.44cm*38.1cm).
This is very important because smaller kids might find it difficult to keep their balance while trying to stand on one leg only to wrap around their waist or lower back with our smaller-sized 30’*12″‘ towel(s). However, they can easily do so if you pick a bigger size towel, which will also be more suitable for their age.
A little taller kids can still use 30″*12″ towels, but you need to double them up on their waist so that they don’t fall down while playing around the house.
Of course, you may find all this too much of a hassle and decide not to give it another thought after all, but please keep in mind that we only provide high-quality kitchen & bath towels at our store. We do not want toddlers falling down on hard tiled bathroom flooring because of using some cheap low-quality product intended for budget-oriented buyers or individuals searching for something just “good enough”, even if it means potentially hurting themselves.
Using 36″*15″ towels for kids is a much more convenient and safer option, so why not improve the way you dry yourself after taking a shower/bath, saving yourself lots of time & money?
The biggest 36″*15″‘ bath towel (91.44cm * 38.1cm) available in the USA; perfect size for smaller kids who struggle using standard 30″*12″‘ (76.2cm * 30.5cm) towels. Double up your small 30″*12″‘ towel(s) on your child’s waist to avoid falling down while playing around the house. Make sure your child can stand on one leg, wrap around their waist/lower back, and reach the opposite end of the towel with both hands before giving it a try.
This 36″*15″‘ kitchen & bath towel set is made out of bamboo viscose material which is extremely soft & smooth on skin without being too heavy or bulky for everyday use. Each side contains different designs (see pictures attached). Made in China under strict quality control standards; comes with a free bonus cloth bag perfect for traveling purposes or storing these nice-looking bath towels once you are done using them.
The best kitchens are designed to accommodate how you live, not what’s popular or trendy. If you want to make your home feel like a sanctuary where everyone can gather together in comfort and style, contact us today!
We would love the opportunity to help create your dream space with our team of experts!
Tags: #OpenShelves #Backsplash #BasementBedroomSize #ApartmentBedroomSize #KitchenAisleWidths #HalfBathroom #BedroomWall #DiningRoomChandelier #GarageWorkbench #bedroompaint #GfciOutlet #BathroomPartition #GarageVent #BathroomSink #BathroomBench #BathroomPlumbing #BedroomLight #BathroomVent #TownhouseGarageSize #BedroomFurniture #BasementBar #BedroomLayout #livingroomlumen
Tags: #BedroomLamp #BasementStairs #BedroomEndTable #LivingRoomSet #BedroomDoor #WindowCurtain #BedroomCeiling #CeilingFan #MasterBedroom #LightBulb #NelsonBedroom #KitchenGFCI #KitchenFloorTile #KitchenExhaustDuct #KitchenTable #KitchenCounter #KitchenSink #KitchenGadgets #Hinge #KitchenCabinets #KitchenAppliances #KitchenAndBath #KitchenBench #WindowBlind #KitchenBar